
If you're someone who is working through religious trauma, or if you're on a journey of deconstructing and decolonizing your own faith and beliefs, here are some resources we have found helpful on our own journeys.

Reclamation Collective

The work of Reclamation Collective is informed by our many partnerships and collaborations with trauma-informed clinicians, community leaders, and activists who validate the wide spectrum of experiences and symptoms that may present following an Adverse Religious Experience. 

We aspire to honor diversity of thought and validate the countless paths that lead to healing, inner peace, and relational harmony through deconstruction and reclamation. Whether you are experiencing a wave of anger or resentment towards your faith of origin or you are in the process of trying to reclaim or reconstruct within a faith context, your voice matters and your experience is valid.

As a community advocacy organization, Reclamation Collective offers a wide variety of support groups, workshops, online resources and support for people along the wide spectrum of deconstruction and reclamation.

Beyond the Wound

At Beyond The Wound, our purpose is to provide a launching pad for those working their way through religious trauma. We are here to help at any stage of the process, whether you are recovering from, currently experiencing, or just discovering the effects of toxic theology in your life.

We are here to help people of all persuasions feel safe as they travel their journey and find connections to resources for further study, healing, and community.

We offer a refuge where you can come as you are; be seen, heard, and welcomed without shame, learn new tools for your “Recovery Toolbox”, make healthy connections to support you along the way, and find resources to further help you on your journey.

Church Clarity

Church Clarity is a crowd-sourced database of local congregations that we score based on how clearly they communicate their actively enforced policies. Our mission is to increase the standard of clarity throughout the Church Industry. We are not advocating for policy changes; we are standardizing church policy disclosure, whatever the policy or type of church in question. People deserve to know the truth.

Dare to Doubt

If you've ever struggled with questioning your beliefs, or you feel shattered by the ramifications of leaving your religion, you've found a safe place. Dare to Doubt is a resource hub for people detaching from harmful belief systems. Our aim is to help you heal from the damage of indoctrination by connecting you with mental health professionals, aid organizations, and peer support groups.

American Atheists

American Atheists envisions a world in which public policy is made using the best evidence we have rather than religious dogma and where religious beliefs are no longer seen as an excuse for bigotry or cause to receive special treatment from the government. We fight for religious equality for all Americans by protecting what Thomas Jefferson called the “wall of separation” between state and church created by the First Amendment.

We strive to create an environment where atheism and atheists are accepted as members of our nation’s communities and where casual bigotry against our community is seen as abhorrent and unacceptable. We promote understanding of atheists through education, outreach, and community building and work to end the stigma associated with being an atheist in America.

The Bible for Normal People

If you’re a normal person who reads the Bible, chances are you have questions. Pete Enns and Jared Byas explore ways to reimagine what it looks like to interact with an ancient text that can be so painful for many but has been a source of inspiration for others. If you're trying to find a way to reframe how to interact with the Bible beyond the narrow approach offered by Evangelical Christianity, be sure to check out this educational resource.