Chapel Probation s4- The Horny Chapel Episode 2
Chapel ProbationAugust 27, 2024x
01:25:15195.13 MB

Chapel Probation s4- The Horny Chapel Episode 2

In this second episode, we're still introducing ourselves, and we compare our experiences as Asian Americans from different generations and in different kinds of churches. But there are still incredible similarities between our experiences...bad ones, mostly. Scott's experiences as a Gen X-er in the 80's was less intense than Priska's Millenial experiences in the 90's, but both were rife with guilt, shame, and racism. And sexism, of course. We basically tie it all together in this episode: race, gender, purity, and a struggle to find ourselves inside the christian world. We round up the episode with some observations about some AAPI christian churches, good and bad.

This is the article Scott mentions about ⁠Korean Churches dealing with domestic violence.⁠

The Horny Chapel is part of the ⁠⁠Dauntless Media Collective.⁠⁠

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